All Valorant Roles Explained: Everything You Need to Know to Dominate the Game


Valorant is more fun to play when you know the role of each agent and learn to play them right!

Like most video games with able-bodied protagonists, Valorant employs a “class” system. Each agent in the video game Valorant is given a job to do. These are chosen based on their capabilities and their effect on the game. Let us learn more about the roles in Valorant.

Valorant: The Game

Two teams of five players each compete in the FPS game Valorant. Anyone in the world who wants to play can log in remotely. The side that prevails in 13 of the 25 rounds of each game wins the game and the match. When the game first launches, players can use a specific in-game agent. At the beginning of the game, players can buy talents and equipment.


You have 30 seconds at the beginning of each round in the primary game mode to purchase equipment and weapons. If you pass away during a band, you cannot revive until the following round. Both ranked and unranked matches are available for this primary game mode. 

It sounds precisely like the Defuse game mode in CS: GO, but Riot has added a new twist. You’ll choose an Agent at the start of each game and purchase weaponry at the start of each round. Each Valorant Agent has a special skill that can do anything, from healing allies to creating walls out of thin air. You’ll probably need a good variety of skills if you want to win a match in Valorant because it bases Agents on a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). This also makes it one of the best eSports games around!

Roles in Valorant

An excellent strategy to discover the ideal agent for your desired playstyle is to look at the Valorant roles. Each agent’s gear is created to support them in carrying out various team duties and is based on their classes. For instance, Fade has skills that let her gather intelligence and position her team for kills. She is the ideal Initiator agent as a result.

In Valorant, there are four primary roles. Duelists, Initiators, Sentinels, or Controllers. These roles will determine your essential contribution to the squad and influence your overall play.


You don’t necessarily need an agent from every position on the squad to win. However, your odds of victory will increase, and the game will be much simpler to play if you have at least one agent from each role. At first, it can be very difficult to understand the many Valorant positions. But I’m here to help. Here are the several classes in Valorant, along with the particular roles and play styles that each contribute to a squad.

➡️ Duelists

USP – Takes opponents head-on and tries to engage them in the early stages

The Duelists are first in the queue. Duelists are intended to be the primary offensive players in the game. As a result, your equipment focuses on killing the other team, damaging them, and positioning yourself for success.

Duelists are independent fraggers who are expected by their squad to get high frags and seek out engagements first due to their talents and abilities.

Making room for your team is your primary responsibility as a duelist. Being proactive, checking and clearing corners, and scoring kills can help you achieve this. You are required to get first blood and guide your team securely as the first player to enter a location. 


The duelists can also control the match’s tempo and flow. To set a quick and exciting tempo, they can play very aggressively and engage in combat whenever possible. They can also be extremely thorough and look around every corner for a slower, more methodical approach.

In plain English, this means that instead of having a set cooldown, their characteristic skills would recharge depending on killing enemies.

Phoenix was the first Duelist that the Valorant Protocol sought out for recruitment. Currently, the game features six Duelists: Jett, Phoenix, Reyna, Raze, Yoru, and Neon. Every agent’s trademark skill aids in extending their ability to engage in duels on the map, which is what duelists share.

➡️ Controllers

USP – Helps teammates set up positions and disrupts the enemy’s line of sight

Controllers are masters at cutting through challenging terrain to position their squad for success. They can control areas on the map due to their unique skills. Additionally, the majority of their abilities revolve around denying the opposition’s view while exerting control over it.

The primary duties of a controller are to conceal critical parts of the map and obstruct enemy sightlines. As a result, the team can visit the site safely without worrying about blocking long-distance sightlines and angles.


In the game, all Controllers can obstruct vision. They vary slightly regarding their smoke size, duration, and deployment. Additionally, they possess skills that can delay opponents who use pulls, blinds, or mollys. These can also be used to defuse or stop spike plants.

With Brimstone, Viper, and Omen being present from the beta version itself, five agents are currently classified in the Controllers category. Since then, Astra and Harbor have been introduced, and each of the newcomers has their own manner of manipulating spaces and seeing the landscape.

In that, Brimstone and Viper are the only controllers with damage-dealing skills. However, all of the Controller agents share the ability to block vision in a specific fashion as one of their signature skills.

➡️ Initiators

USP – Gathers Intel and Disrupts Enemy Movements

Initiators are the following heroic role. By positioning their team to occupy contested territory and drive defenders away, initiators challenge angles.

Those who take the lead in obtaining information succeed at placing their team for success. They are meant to be more cooperative teammates who aid the Duelists in clearing space.

The primary responsibility of an initiator is to learn where the opponents are located and to open doors for your team. By disclosing their location or physically forcing enemies to move, they can obstruct opponent movement and make them reposition.


Six agents are classified under the Initiators class in the current Valorant scenario. All Initiators share the trait that their particular skill allows the agent to learn more about the opposition or aids the team in finding a more effortless engagement in a specific region.

As an Initiator, you do not need to push forcefully and can employ the majority of your skills from a safe distance. The six initiators are Sova, Breach, Skye, KAY/O, Gekko, and Fade. They all have special skills that can be useful on practically any Valorant map you choose to play on. To surprise your opponents with your abilities, make sure to practice your lineups.

While Sova and Fade’s signature moves are solely informational, KAY/O accomplishes the same task while blocking enemy abilities for a certain amount of time. Breach, on the other hand, and Skye, with the aid of the Stun and Flash, respectively, assist in taking an advantageous fight. Gekko is the last addition to the list of Initiators, and helps with his flash, buddy for planting and defusing the spike, and molly for damaging the enemies.

➡️ Sentinels

USP – Usually the In-Game Leader and supports teammates as they march head-on towards enemy fire

There are some fascinating agents in the Sentinels. They make excellent site holders and flank catchers for this defense-focused job. Playing the Defenders’ side can be a lot simpler if your team has a great Sentinel player.

The position is described as defensive specialists who can secure territory and keep an eye on the sides during both attacker and defender rounds.

Sentinels are frequently considered to be the finest agents to anchor map sites because of their skills for spotting enemy infiltration into the region, weakening them, inflicting chip damage, or even disclosing and trapping them in their kit.


Five agents are named under the Sentinel role: Killjoy, Cypher, Sage, Chamber, and Deadlock. At chokepoints on a map, each Sentinel has a signature skill that aids in spotting, preventing, slowing down, and dealing chip damage to adversaries.

Sentinels, who can even dress up as Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings and yell, “You shall not pass!” to the opposing team, are the best defensive anchors.

However, there is some debate around the Chamber’s part in Valorant. Due to his unique ability, Chamber is frequently utilized in competitive dueling because it allows them to win many battles with an immediate means of escape.

However, the fact that it also enables Chamber to serve as a reliable anchor and that the agent has traps to find and slow down adversaries merits being categorized as a Sentinel.

The oldest Sentinel of all is Killjoy. She has been serving as a top-class choice for Sentinel from the beginning. Next comes Cypher, Sage, and Chamber. Deadlock is the latest addition to the team of sentinels, but it has yet to make its name in the game.

Top Roles

A Controller or Initiator is your best role if you enjoy making decisions and directing your team. Usually, if you have excellent timing and enjoy being one of the last people to enter the location, you can play the Controller job well. However, you can also select to play as an Initiator if you want a more semi-aggressive playstyle.

And if you like to play in a more aggressive style, then you should go with a Duelist. Your job is to go all in and get first blood quickly to set the stage for the entire team toward victory.

Not everything is about carrying and making the decisions. Supports also merit appreciation. Try playing Initiators or Sentinels if you like to stick around and do whatever you can to aid the team in winning. You can position your team for victory, linger nearby to keep an eye on flanks, or even treat them as required. Doing the little tasks most people dislike is the key to success.


The composition of a team requires cooperation and flexibility because it is a delicate balance. A thorough understanding of the responsibilities of each member is essential for success. A dynamic and exhilarating gaming experience is made possible by adequately performing these duties, which supports Valorant’s dynamic gameplay.

You now know everything there is to know about all Valorant roles and how to pick the ideal class for your playstyle. Valorant is ultimately a team sport; one player’s success depends on the others’ success. Winning more games will be much simpler if you can perform your selected role effectively. Step in the shoes of each character and know it for yourself now!

Next, check out the best Valorant weapons to know which equipment will go best with your choice of role!

Dhruv Parmar
Dhruv Parmar
Dhruv is an enthusiastic content writer and passionate gamer developing content around latest games, tricks, and techniques to rule the gaming world. Other than gaming, he likes to talk about Freelancing, Personal Branding, and LinkedIn Growth.

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